Mountain ranges such as the Appalachian and Himalayas form when tectonic plates collide. The name of this plate boundary is
What is a convergent plate boundary?
The Volcanic Islands are formed by two plates doing this
What is subduction?
This land feature forms as a result of two plates converging
What is a mountain?
At transform boundaries, tectonic plates move in this manner.
What is slide past each other?
The transfer of energy by the movement of matter
What is a convection current?
There are this many types of convergent plate boundaries
What is 3?
What is this unit covering?
Too much heat/pressure in the Earth causes these to form
What is a volcano and earthquake?
Volcanoes occur at convergent plate boundaries. This arrow notation shows their movement
What are two arrows colliding?
This is the description of convection
What is warmer, less dense fluid rises and cooler, more dense fluid sinks?
The Great Rift Valley in Africa and Mid-Ocean Ridge were all created by this boundary
What is a divergent boundary?
Volcanoes in Hawaii are found here
What is a hot spot?
Rift Valleys occur along this type of plate boundary
What is a divergent plate boundary?
Earthquakes occur due to this moving along a fault
What is tectonic plates?
The tectonic plates move due to
What is convection currents?
The San Andreas is located at this plate boundary
What is a transform boundary?
When an oceanic and continental plate collide, this one subducts under the other
Subduction zones in the Earth creates this feature
What is volcanoes?
Rift Valleys occur at divergent plate boundaries. The plates here do this.
What is divide or separate?
Magma inside the Earth may start to rise because it is _____ than the surrounding rock
What is less dense?
Earthquakes and volcanoes are mostly located here
What is plate boundaries?
A break in rock along which the ground has moved on either side
What is a fault?
The movement of Earth’s plates causes changes in the Earth’s crust. This type of plate boundary would most likely form a mountain range
What is a convergent boundary without subduction?
This is most responsible for the recycling of crust when two plates meet
What is subduction of one oceanic plate under another at a convergent boundary?
Seafloor spreading happens due to the flow of magma from the mantle through Earth's crust which makes new strips of rock due to
What is convection currents?